Vendor information

Robert Walker

Listed below are software or game titles created by Robert Walker. For support please visit their website at:

Bounce Metronome
The software conductor, drum sticks or bouncing ball help you play exactly on the beat and in time. What a difference it makes!<BR> <BR> * Any time signatures * Swing * Accent or skip beats easil...
Tune Smithy - Lambdoma Task
The Lambdoma task in Tune Smithy let's you play on an arrangement of musical ratios attributed to Pythagoras in which notes all in the same row or column play pure musical harmonies. The particula...
Virtual Flower and Lissajous 3D
Purchase both Virtual Flower and Lissajous 3D as a combined order. <P> Virtual flower: Create flowers and geometrical patterns in 3D. Watch them grow or unfold. A swirling pattern of stars sudde...
Fractal Tune Smithy
Create beautiful fractal music intricate as snowflakes. Choose or play a short musical phrase as the seed, vary the parameters, and transform it into a tracery of music! Explore historical, mod...
Robert Inventor's mini utilities
ACTIVITY TIMER is a computer activity, project or task timer. It keeps track of the time you spend at the computer on your various projects. You can also set it to automatically change project when...
Virtual Flower
Make virtual flowers and trees in 3D! Select leaves, flowers etc from drop lists and click / drag to change shape. Make forests too. Animate them so that the trees sway and rustle, grow, or unfold...
Lissajous 3D
Make animated swirly patterns which change shape. You can use real materials such as gold, pearl, ruby. Many demo curves included and you can make new ones to add to the screen saver. Includes wiz...