
Auto show synchronized lyrics in media player

MiniLyrics is a fancy synchronized lyrics viewer. It can show lyrics automatically. You can follow along with the artist and catch every word. It is skinnable, has cool display styles. The lyrics database expands every day. MiniLyrics support most of popular players, including Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, Foobar2000, Realplayer, MediaMonkey, JetAudio, XMPlay, Yahoo Music jukebox, Quintessenial Player, MusicMatch Jukebox, The KMPlayer, Media Jukebox and J.R Media Center. It supports load/save ID3v2 synchronized/Unsynchronized lyrics. You can view lyrics in Windows Media Player, iTunes and iPod.

Price: $14.95 USD Category: Utilities & Plug-Ins Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Crintsoft Homepage: