Alien Shooter - Gold Pack

No action games fan should miss Alien Shooter Gold Pack!

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Alien Shooter Gold Pack consists of follwowing titles:

- Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded
- Alien Shooter 1
- Zombie Shooter

Alien Shooter 1
The endless darkness and the somber, long passages of a military complex have become the abode of evil, as thousands of blood-thirsty creatures fill its offices, storehouses and mysterious laboratories.
Your mission is simple: clear the base at all costs. You will be provided with explosives to help you gain access to the teleports from where thousands of pitiless creatures pour. A stationary gun will aid in the defense of the area. You have been granted access to the most advanced weapons technology money can buy. As you earn your pay, you can equip yourself with additional weapons in the arming area and biomechanical implants that will make your fighting abilities super human.
The alien invasion has begun, we have one chance, and that is to stop them cold in their staging area. Do not allow them escape this facility, you are our last hope. The fate of humanity now depends on you!

Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded
Is a large-scale sequel to the first part of Alien Shooter. This is the unique alloy of arcade action and RPG elements which combines well-established world of classical games and unmatched dynamics of the first part.
The player will find well-built plot line with several ways to pass, many additional quests, ability to choose and upgrade the character.
The most impressive technical innovations are:
- dynamic shadows and lighting
- about 10 000 monsters on each map, showing up to 100 monsters simultaneously on one playing screen
- natural phenomena (fog, rain, water)
- NPC characters
- more than 50 types of weapons - now you can not just kill but also burn, freeze and even diminish the enemies
- more than 20 types of useful gadgets - from flash lights, radars and medkits to battle drones
- 3 game modes: Campaign, Survive and Gun Stand game

Zombie Shooter
Where is the line between life and death?
How far can human science go trying to understand this?
Take part in the great battle to rescue humanity and find out what's happening!
The human race is in danger again. This time scientists could not cope the imminent threat and became monsters themselves. Crowds of zombie people filled the secret research base. The dreadful contagion is about to spread earthwide. Use the last chance to save the humanity from total annihilation!
- fight your way through contaminated hordes
- use 10 types of weapons
- improve the character’s skills
- upgrade available arms with the money earned
In the end:
Find the answer to the main question - what caused the catastrophe?
Who knows, maybe on the final stage you'll face something terrible?..
Attention! Try your monster fighting skills in two new game modes - Survive and Gun Stand. Only these modes will really show how good you've become.

NOTE: Full game size equal 350 megabytes!

Price: $29.95 USD Category: Action Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Sigma Team Homepage: