DVD-Cloner - OpenCloner Inc

Perfect 1:1 DVD backup

Supports for complete backup from DVD-5 to DVD-5, DVD-9 to DVD-9.
Backs up DVD movies with the latest technology.
Backs up a DVD movie within 20-40 minutes.

Customized backup

Backs up DVD movies from the hard disk under the "Combine multiple DVDs to one DVD?R DL or BD-R/RE" backup mode.
Combines multiple DVD movies to one BD-R/RE (up to 6 discs) to save your DVD discs.
Compresses a dual-layer DVD (DVD-9) movie onto one DVD-5 disc, including the special features, menus, subtitles, etc.
Splits one DVD-9 movie to two DVD-5 discs without any compression.
Supports the backup of DVD movies in the NTSC and PAL formats.
Sets the special features, saving rate to get a better picture effect.
Select to back up multiple chapters from a DVD movie to a DVD-5 or DVD-9 disc.
Select your desired audio track(s) and subtitle(s) to back up, removing unwanted audio/subtitle languages.
Supports for making backups of backed-up DVDs to preserve the original DVD discs.

UMT(TM) - Backs up up-to-date DVD movies

The inventive UMT(TM) provides you the freedom to back up latest DVD movies through the optimized module.
Supports the backup of latest BD movies

Other features

Get free bonus Stream-Cloner Lite worth $39.99, which enables you to download and capture streaming video from the Internet as well as play them back (Enter www.stream-cloner.com/upgrade.html to upgrade Stream-Cloner Lite to Stream-Cloner with only $14.99 to transform the downloaded or captured streaming video to your desired video and audio formats and enjoy more functions.).
Transforms DVD movies to AVI, MPEG and SVCD formats with the free bonus Open DVD Transformer 3 Lite worth $29.99 to save your hard disk space. (Enter www.open-dvd-ripper.com/upgrade.html to upgrade Open DVD Transformer 3 Lite to Open DVD Transformer 3 with only $8 to transform DVD movies to more video and audio formats as well as transform 2D movies to 3D format).
Backs up full multi-channel audio tracks (AC3, DTS, LPCM).
Supports for backing up DVD movies with 3D format.
Deletes the temporary files when the backup is finished.
Backs up DVD discs directly to external drives.
The trial version enables you to back up one full DVD movie without any annoying watermark.
Free upgrade within one year.

Price: $59.99 USD Category: Video Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: OpenCloner Homepage: http://www.opencloner.net