Wondershare MePub for Mac

Quickly and easily create your EPUB eBooks on Mac! OCR supported!

Create EPUB eBooks from PDF, Word, HTML, CHM, Image formats, etc. Preserve original text, images, graphics, etc. after creation; Support customizing book cover, info, layout, etc. Able to import unlimited multi-format files at one time. Wondershare MePub for Mac is a powerful yet simple EPUB Creator for you to create EPUB eBooks on Mac OS X. It gives you the ability to create EPUB eBooks from most popular formats (docx, .pdf, .epub, .chm, .html, .jpg, .png, etc.). Contents in the output EPUB eBooks are reflowable, and the text display can be optimized for the particular display device. You can check the output EPUB eBooks on your Mac with Adobe Digital Editions after creating EPUB eBooks, and then publish, share it, or read it on your favorite e-Readers below: Apple iPad (using iBooks) iPhone and iPod Touch (using Lexcycle Stanza , Glider or iBooks on iOS 4.0+) Sony Reader Android devices (using WordPlayer, FBReader, Aldiko) Barnes & Noble nook Hanlin eReader BeBook Bookeen Cybook Gen3, Cybook Opus iRex Digital Reader 800, 1000 PocketBook Reader Ctaindia's eGriver Ebook Reader ...... Wondershare Mepub for Mac can help you create EPUB eBooks from PDF (.pdf), MS Word (.docx), Html (.html/.htm/.xhtml), Chm (.chm), EPUB (.epub), Images (.jpg/.png/.bmp/.gif/.tiff); preserve all the text, images, graphics, hyperlinks, etc. in the original files; allow you to set a local image as book cover; support customizing book info, layout, style for the output EPUB eBook; it can convert a 500-page document to EPUB eBook in less than 1 minute; batch importing unlimited files into an EPUB eBook at one time; it is able to convert PDF files with copying and printing restrictions to EPUB eBooks directly; supports open password protected PDF files conversion by entering the password.

Price: $39.95 USD Category: Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Wondershare Software Homepage: http://sell.wondershare.com