CZ-Pdf2Txt for acrobat reader

CZ-Pdf2Txt for acrobat reader has the same function like CZ_Pdf2Txt, it also is a batch pdf converter that convert pdf to text, the difference is to support free adobe acrobat reader, no longer need the expensive adobe acrobat edit version, saving your money. It enable you to convert a large number of pdf documents at one time, instead of trying to do them individually.
Key Features

    A. support free adobe acrobat reader, no longer need the expensive adobe acrobat edit version, saving your money.
    B. batch convert pdf to text, you can convert thousands of pdf files at one time, saving your time!
    C. support convert current pdf and selected pages.
    D. support PDF written in multi-byte Languages.
    E. Preserves original document layout.
    F. Convert table in pdf to delimit table text, you can appoint tab, comma, blank, semicolon, or other char as the delimit symbol, then you can copy table text and import it to excel or database.

    Price: $299.0 USD Category: Word Processing Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: convertzone Homepage: