Whois Inspector

Whois Inspector gives you the unique ability to know up-to date info about which domains status are currently changed or expired.

Also You can receive name, phone number, postal and email address from the public WHOIS directory. Whois Inspector can monitor many names concurrently and let you know when there is any change in the registration records or status, including becoming available for re-sale. You will be notify about any change in status or WHOIS information.

Whois Inspector provide you with a powerful way to obtain a domain name that is soon to expire or is locked by a registrar. You can monitor many domains each day! Whois Inspector is a most sophisticated domain monitoring system working for You.

Now You can monitor your domain names, around the clock, to ensure that any changes in the registration - resulting from something as benign as an inadvertent expiration to something as sinister as a hijacking - are immediately caught.

Price: $49.95 USD Category: Tools & Utilities Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Atory Tools Homepage: http://www.atory.com