Double Entry Ledger XL

Double Entry Ledger XL - a Microsoft Excel based accounting system .

Double Entry Ledger XL is a general ledger accounting system which is completely based on Microsoft Excel. It is a true double entry accounting ledger system and is designed to be a flexible and fast method to do accounting or bookkeeping work for any organization. Professionals can rely on a universal approach to do accounting work that is applicable to any financial structure. Just a single folder can be moved to another computer where Microsoft Excel is installed to run this program without installing the program again. Users will also benefit from the fast results Double Entry Ledger XL will generate upon entering transactions. On the other hand students of accounting or bookkeeping will benefit from the simple interface and understand easily the correlations of data in accounting double entry principles. Other users will appreciate the straight forward sequence of the accounting process in this system and the user-friendly method of entering data.

Price: $138.0 USD Category: Database Management Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Faridea Homepage: