MLS7 (My Lotto System 7)

Build pick 7 (7/39) abbreviated systems, full guarantee or with probability under your control.

Build your own (new) abbreviated lotto system, full with 100% guarantee or with probability under your control. You can use up to 39 numbers (7 numbers per combination). Easy to use, fun, and very fast.Building abbreviated systems in new way. During building process you will see number of covered combinations,number of uncovered, uncovered combinations,statistics of numbers in uncovered combinations and your abbreviated system,you can get info what will happened if you delete one combination from your system,covering information for each combination in your abbreviated system, what will happened if you delete one of them, uncovered group of numbers... You can add combinations to your abbreviated system one by one under your will, check all possible combinations against uncovered and find one with best covering, try to find 2 combinations with best covering,find best replacement and all of this with speed of more then 50000000 combination checks per second. You can build lets call it hybrid systems that can cover some range of numbers with 100%, and some bigger range with probability for example 80-90%. You can import any abbreviated system, check it, extend it or make it smaller. Demo version is available, working in full up to 13 numbers, just for testing what you can do and how.

Price: $15.00 USD Category: Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: AS Computer Software - Aleksandar Stefanovic Homepage: