Weight Loss Surgery Insurance Secrets

Weight Loss Surgery Insurance Secrets

Discover the insider secrets to getting your insurance company to pay for your Weight Loss Surgery... Most people think that insurance carriers make payment decisions based upon financial profit and loss calculations. That's simply not the case. The only criteria that an insurance company considers is whether or not the proposed treatment is appropriate given your particular medical circumstances and the insurance company's written guidelines. When you ask them to cover your weight loss surgery they refer to these guidelines to make a determination. Simply being overweight in itself does not usually qualify you for coverage. It's not easy to put together a claim request that will sail through your carrier's review process the first time. You need to know how to word every sentence and exactly what documentation you'll need to convince your insurance company that your treatment is not only appropriate, but that it's medically necessary and it falls within their guidelines. With this comprehensive guide to the insurance process, you'll find out how.

Price: $29.95 USD Category: E-books & Literature Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Renewed Reflections Publishing Homepage: http://www.weight-loss-surgery-insurance.com