GMAT Exam Simulator

GMAT Practice Tests - Download today to crack the GMAT and score highe

Our GMAT Exam Simulator is the most realistic test preparation software available! It includes all the latest question types and a proven accurate scoring algorithm.

Prepare to score your best...register for up to five complete simulated GMAT sessions now!

This GMAT Exam Simulation software is used by students and instructors worldwide for evaluating preparedness levels. Supplement your preparation materials and practice quantitative, verbal, and AWA sections with realistic sample questions including the new question types (bold-faced critical reasoning questions & tougher probability questions).

Each simulated session includes:
-a full-length adaptive GMAT exam with all three sections (AWA, Quantitative, and Verbal)
-a current set of realistic questions including the latest types with a guarantee of no repeats
-a proven accurate scoring assessment showing the score you would have earned on the real GMAT
-an answer and explanation for each question
-timing analysis

In addition, after you complete each simulated session it can be saved for later review. A free demo download is available.

Price: $45.00 USD Category: Teaching Tools Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Computer-Adaptive Test Preparation Homepage: