GRE Prep Course Software (Windows)

Comprehensive, Rigorous Prep for the GRE

Comprehensive, Rigorous Test Prep for the GRE

Every year students pay $800+ to test prep companies to prepare for the GRE. Now you can get the same preparation in a downloadable test prep software program for a fraction of the cost!

The GRE test is not easy. And, neither is this test prep software. There is no quick fix that will allow you to "beat" the test. But the GRE is very learnable. This comprehensive test prep software presents an academically rigorous analysis of the GRE.


Mentor Mode: In Mentor Mode, you are immediately told whether you answered a GRE problem correctly, and you can view a solution of the problem.

Test Mode: In Test Mode, you can take a GRE test timed and scored by the program.

Math: Seventeen Lessons, with exercises, provide comprehensive review of GRE math. Also includes a summary of GRE math properties.

Reading Comprehension: Develop the ability to spot places from which questions are likely to be drawn as you read a GRE passage.

Writing: Comprehensive analysis of the writing task, including writing techniques, punctuation, grammar, rhetoric, and style.

Contains detailed solutions to hundreds of GRE questions!

Price: $29.95 USD Category: Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Nova Press Homepage: