Unlimited GED Practice Tests

Unlimited GED Practice Tests Program includes online preparation courses for all five of the GED high school diploma tests. Unlimited practice tests and tutorials with questions similar to the official exams for the GED Math, GED Science, and GED Social Studies tests; guaranteed a unique test upon each attempt! Program also includes bonus learning resources and references courses for the GED Language Arts Reading and GED Language Arts Writing tests. Better than hundreds of GED text books and CD's. Secure and private online course management system includes activity and score tracking, messaging, support, and other advanced features; Includes certificate of completion and unlimited access anytime from anywhere in the world for a full year! Register Today for Only $149

Price: $149.0 USD Category: Home & Education Screenshot: Added: Oct 27th 2013 Publisher: Online Career Advancement Homepage: http://www.onlinecareeradvancement.com