Teaching Tools

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EVE is a powerful tool designed to combat the growing problem of internet plagiarism. EVE accepts essays in plain text format and returns links to web pages from which a student may have plagi...
Morello PuzzleTrack
Morello PuzzleTrack is the easy way to create crosswords and word search puzzles. Wizards guide you through every stage. Formatting and numbering are completely automatic. Choose the colours, la...
FlashCard Pro U.S. Capitals Study File
FlashCard Pro study file includes 50 files with pictures for memorizing U.S. state capitals.
FlashCard Pro Math Part 1 Study File
This FlashCard Pro study file contains 576 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division flash cards. This is meant for level 1 math such as all cards are sequential from 1 to 12 f...
FlashCard Pro V2.52
FlashCard Pro is an incredibly powerful and yet easy-to-use self study program. There is almost no limitation to what you can put into your flashcards with FlashCard Pro. For example you can pla...
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